0131 356 0412

Nikki Gibson

Nikki Gibson

Voluntary Advisor

Nikki Gibson, has a career spanning 20+ years in the Hospitality Sector and with that has a unique perspective and understanding of delivering quality services at all levels. Current positions include Managing Director of Naked Events entering its' 14 successful year in business and Founder of newest venture, Tech company, SWURF. 

Following her own Breast Cancer Diagnosis at the age of 37, Nikki experienced first hand the negative impact, especially on her mental wellbeing, due to the lack of personal care available whilst navigating an unpredictable and uncertain path through treatment. Feeling lost and let down by her experience, Nikki is excited to be part of an initiative that will support this journey for others, adding hope to, what often feels like, a hopeless path. 

Six Years post diagnosis, knowing now that Hope is everything and building a framework of support that is personalised to each and every one, is a critical success factor that can not, and should not, be overlooked.